Local schools learn about Rotary club for elementary students
The Rotary Club of Campbellford hosted a presentation by Jinni Demine of the Trenton Rotary Club, at the podium, about the EarlyAct club program for elementary school children: from left, , Rhonda Rutherford, a kindergarten teacher at Kent Public School; Connie Hudson, principal at Hillcrest Public School; Kimberly Hulsman, Campbellford Rotary club president.
Campbellford — A schoolwide service club sponsored by Rotary for elementary students, ages five to 13, called EarlyAct was the focus of a presentation to the Rotary Club of Campbellford by Jinni Demine of the Trenton Rotary Club.
“EarlyAct teaches respect, empathy, tolerance, caring, citizenship, compassion, responsibility, leadership, perseverance, friendship and teamwork,” said Demine, showcasing the school club and what it can do for youngsters.
Two representatives from local elementary schools attended, Rhonda Rutherford, who teaches kindergarten at Kent Public School and Connie Hudson, principal at Hillcrest Public School.
Kimberly Hulsman, Campbellford Rotary club president said: “We as a Rotary club are excited about the possibility of partnering with you both in hopefully starting up the EarlyAct program within your schools.”
The program is self supporting and the youngsters conduct three service projects annually, one for their school, one for the local community and one that furthers international understanding.
“The mission of the EarlyAct club is to promote goodwill, understanding, and peace through active participation of student members so that with committed citizenship and effective leadership they improve the quality of life for their school, local and global communities,” noted Demine.
The mission and operation of EarlyAct are closely linked to the ideals of Rotary and provide the foundation and natural succession into Interact, Rotary International's service club for young people ages 12 to 18.
There are no dues for the EarlyAct program and monies for projects and activities are the result of fundraising by club members. There is an annual commitment of $1,000 per EarlyAct club per year by the sponsoring Rotary club.
The Rotary Club of Campbellford holds regular meetings and features guest speakers on a variety of topics. Please check the website for details.
For more information go to: https://portal.clubrunner.ca/1128/ and www.rotaryclubofcampbellford.com