Congratulations to the winners of the final Trip of the Month draw for 2022:
• $100 -- Andrew Thain, number 188, sold by Paul Thain
• $100 -- Ken Garneau, number 159, sold by Scott Drummond
• $100 -- Tracey Scheller, number 259, sold by Bob Fudge
• $200 -- Rose Millett, number 235, sold by Rob Pope
• $300 -- Dave Barry, number 84, sold by Cathy Beamish
• $500 -- Norm Vivian, number 80, sold by Cathy Beamish
• $2,000 -- Abby Russell, number 268, sold by John Russell
Tickets for our 2023 Rotary Raffle are now on sale, just $150. Only 500 tickets are sold. Support our local projects. The first draw will be January 31.
To purchase tickets call: Wallace Brown at (705) 653-2041, email tickets@rotaryclubofcampbellford.ca, contact any Rotarian, or visit Beamish's 103 Doxsee Ave. North.